Guidance on iwi engagement reports

This page provides New Zealand Petroleum and Mineral’s (NZP&M’s) guidance to permit holders on how to complete an iwi engagement report.

The iwi engagement report is due no later than 31 March each year.

NZP&M believes constructive engagement with iwi and hapū is an important part of responsible resource development.

All petroleum and Tier 1 minerals permit holders are required to provide an annual report on their engagement with iwi and hapū whose rohe includes part of their permit area, or who may be directly affected by the permit.

The Crown Minerals Act 1991 (the CMA) was amended in August 2023, and several changes were made in relation to these reports.

Consulting with iwi and hapū on your iwi engagement report

Permit holders are now required to share a draft copy of their iwi engagement report with relevant iwi and hapū for comment. Iwi and hapū must be given a reasonable opportunity to provide comments, and these comments must be included in the final report submitted to NZP&M.

We encourage Tier 1 permit holders to discuss consultation timeframes directly with iwi and hapū.

In ensuring a reasonable opportunity for iwi and hapū to review and comment on a draft report, it may be helpful to consider the following factors:

  • The length and complexity of the report, and the level of expertise that may be required to review and provide feedback.
  • The time of year. Consultation may take longer if it falls over a holiday period.
  • Other permit holders in your region may be engaging with the same iwi or hapū for feedback. Iwi and hapū are also often involved in consultation with government agencies on significant matters.
    This could mean they need more time to review and comment on your report.
  • When consulting with iwi and hapū on multiple reports, it may be helpful to consolidate consultation where possible.

We also encourage permit holders to communicate with iwi and hapū when they intend to provide a final copy of their report to NZP&M. Iwi engagement reports are due with us no later than 31 March each year.

Permit holders should be aware that consultation and feedback on the iwi engagement report can be a financial and resourcing constraint for iwi and hapū.

Open and honest reporting

The iwi engagement report provides an opportunity to explore any issues or concerns that arise from both the permit holder’s and the iwi or hapū perspective. The engagement report should address the interests of all parties.

If this is not possible, we would like to understand the circumstances and issues that affected the engagement process.

Permit holders should include any lessons learnt from the engagement process and how it could be improved for all parties.

Report structure and content

NZP&M recommend you include the following information in your annual iwi engagement report:

Who is involved?

List the iwi, hapū, or mandated representative group/s you are engaging with. Include the key contacts where possible.

What engagement has occurred?

Include the nature of engagement. This includes permit holder activities such as attending ceremonies, work programme matters, update on work activities, environmental monitoring activities and seeking input on work programmes. Comment on whether this engagement was required under other legislation or policies, for example, by the district or regional council. Provide evidence where applicable.

What was the outcome of the engagement?

Has feedback provided by iwi or hapū been incorporated into the activities of your company? Have the outcomes arising from engagement or the engagement approach been agreed to in writing? Provide supporting examples and documentation where applicable.

Consulting with iwi and hapū on the draft report

You should outline when you provided a draft copy of the report to iwi and hapū, and who the report was provided to.

Comments made by iwi or hapū on the draft report must be included in the final report submitted to NZP&M.

If iwi or hapū declined to review the report, did they indicate why?

Reflections of engagement

Include anything else you would like to share in relation to your engagement within the reporting period.

Contact us

If you have questions about the content or structure of your report, email

We are happy to answer questions or arrange a time to discuss.

Last updated:
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