Consultation opens on Block Offer 2020

Publish date: 25 September 2020

New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals has today initiated consultation with iwi and hapū on the proposed Block Offer 2020 release area for petroleum exploration permits.

The proposed release area is restricted to the onshore Taranaki region, and includes blocks totalling 2630 km².

“I encourage iwi and hapū to take part in the process,” says Susan Baas, National Manager, Petroleum and Minerals.

“Past consultation has led to an additional engagement condition for successful bidders which explicitly requires permit holders to engage with iwi on an ongoing basis, with specific early engagement requirements in relation to activities to be undertaken within 200 metres of areas of significance to iwi.”

The 2018 change to the Crown Minerals Act not only restricts the Block Offer process to the onshore Taranaki region, but it prohibits access to conservation land, as part of the Block Offer process, except for minimum impact activities.

The proposed release area does not include any land listed in Schedule 4 of the Crown Minerals Act (including national parks, nature reserves, and wildlife sanctuaries) or World Heritage sites.  

The closing date for submissions is 18 December 2020.

It is expected the Minister of Energy and Resources will announce the final area for tender in the first half of 2021.

Read more about the 2020 Block Offer

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