We’ve updated our NZP&M forms

Publish date: 23 December 2020

We’ve made some improvements and updates to our forms.

We’ve updated the NZP&M forms to:

  • include a space for companies and organisations to include their New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)
  • add a transparency statement to be clear that the information you include in a form may be used for regulatory compliance purposes
    The information you provide in this form may be used for regulatory compliance or enforcement purposes according to the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment's Transparency Statement. 
  • make sure each form includes a statement about the Privacy Act and the Official Information Act 
  • combine the petroleum and minerals forms where applicable. Over time there have been changes to forms so that separate versions of the petroleum and minerals forms have been produced, which can cause confusion 
  • make other updates that clarify what we’re asking for.

MBIE's Transparency Statement on their website

We’ve removed the APP13 form from the website

We’ve also removed the APP13 form (Application to authorise individuals to view user-specific permitting information on NZP&M’s online permitting system) from our website. 

We’re reviewing how we give a person access to multiple permits in the online permitting system and will provide more information when we’ve finished our review.

Last updated:
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