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The Regulator’s Update — Special edition April 2021

Welcome to the special edition April issue of The Regulator’s Update. In this issue: An update on some policy work our wider Energy and Resource Markets Branch are working on, an update on progress with the Crown Minerals Act review, updates on the resource strategy Responsibly Delivering Value – A Minerals and Petroleum Strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand Strategy, engage on the heat, industry and power emissions reduction plan and stay up-to-date with our work to reduce energy hardship with a new newsletter. ​

The Regulator’s Update — March 2021

Welcome to the March issue of The Regulator’s Update. In this issue: Annual summary reports due, Tier 1 iwi engagement reports due with ASR, royalty return audits, Tui decommissioning update, late change applications for minerals permits, new forms, and give us feedback about our services or systems.

The Regulator’s Update — December 2020

Welcome to the December issue of The Regulator’s Update. In this issue: Winding down for Christmas and office hours over the break, refreshed National Plan to manage interference with permitted offshore petroleum and minerals activities, update on Tui decommissioning project, Compliance Team update, get ready to file your annual summary report (ASR) online in 2021, changes to support ASRs being filed online and we’re updating our forms.

The Regulator’s Update — September 2020

Welcome to the September issue of The Regulator’s Update. In this issue: Tui oil field decommissioning, new application guide and template for alluvial gold and quarry mining permits, annual fees overdue, annual summary report update, South Island aeromagnetic data and a final reminder about the survey of industrial rocks and minerals.

The Regulator’s Update - June 2020

Welcome to the June issue of The Regulator’s Update. In this issue: Getting back to normal, Annual summary reports, We're making it easier for you to comply, Survey of industrial rocks and minerals, Investigation into illegal mining sees reparation of fees and royalties owed, Tui oil field decommissioning, Annual review meetings for Tier 1 permit holders.

The Regulator’s Update - February 2020

Welcome to the February issue of The Regulator’s Update. In this issue: Annual summary reports due 31 March, Are your contact details correct?, Compliance team activities in 2019, Upgrade to the online permitting system 14-17 February, Give us your feedback, Review of the Crown Minerals Act 1991, Aeromagnetic survey of Queenstown area, Have your say.

The Regulator’s Update - November 2019

Welcome to the November issue of The Regulator’s Update. In this issue: Crown Minerals Act (CMA) discussion document open for consultation, A Minerals and Petroleum Resource Strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand, Compliance roadshows for mineral permits, Permit Webmaps application updated, Example mine plans for Tier 1 minerals permits now published, New National Manager Petroleum and Minerals appointed, Summer holidays are coming.