Deadline looming – File your annual summary report online now
National Manager Petroleum and Minerals Susan Baas is urging permit holders to get their annual summary reports filed, using the online permitting system, as soon as possible.
Annual summary reports are required by 31 March for every active permit each calendar year even if no activity took place on the permit. A calendar year is 1 January to 31 December. These reports provide MBIE with valuable information about New Zealand’s mineral resources.
“This year we expect as many annual summary reports to be filed online using the online permitting system, also known as the OPS” Susan says.
“Using the OPS has advantages for both permit holders and NZP&M,” Susan says. “It’s great for permit holders because it allows you to save your work and come back to it later. And in future years you can easily locate the report so you can compare production information.”
“We’ve made significant improvements to the system and information to support permit holders in making the transition to filing reports online. It’s much more intuitive and we’ve clarified the help text so that permit holders know what we are asking them for.” says Susan.
Annual summary reports filed online also allows the minerals team to efficiently manage their work as they don’t need to manually input the information into our permit management system.
“Having annual summary reports filed online means our advisors can focus on other work, such as processing permit applications.” Susan says.
Guidance for permit holders is available on the NZP&M website, and we’ve also produced video tutorials showing you how to fill out an ASR online.
- Annual summary reports for Tier 2 mining permits [PDF 349KB]
- Annual summary reports for exploration and prospecting permits [DOCX 475KB]
- Youtube tutorial on submitting an online Annual Summary Report for a Tier 2 Exploration Permit
- Youtube tutorial on submitting an online Annual Summary Report for a Tier 2 Mining Permit
"We’re here to help so if you need further assistance please call or email us”.
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