Proposed Minerals strategy to 2040

Publish date: 6 June 2024

The Government is proposing a draft Minerals Strategy to enable a long-term, strategic approach to how we develop our mineral resources (other than petroleum).

The strategy is built on 3 key pillars (Enhancing prosperity for New Zealanders, Demonstrating the sector’s value, and Delivering minerals for a clean energy transition) and discusses the specific actions we could take to position the minerals sector to deliver value in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

We are seeking feedback on our draft Minerals Strategy for New Zealand. We welcome all submissions but are particularly interested in the questions below:

  1. Are the strategic pillars of the Strategy (Enhancing prosperity for New Zealanders, Demonstrating the sector’s value, and Delivering minerals for a clean energy transition) suitable or is there more we need to consider?
  2. Are the key actions the right ones to deliver on our strategic pillars, and are they ambitious enough? What else might we need to consider?
  3. Are there opportunities for our minerals sector we haven’t considered?
  4. Are there challenges for our minerals sector we haven’t considered?
  5. Are there any other things we have missed that we should include, or things we should not include?

Have your say

The public consultation is open. Submissions close at 5pm on 31 July 2024. You can provide feedback via the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment's (MBIE) website:

Have your say on the proposed minerals strategy to 2040 —

More information

A draft minerals strategy for New Zealand to 2040 [PDF 2,200KB] —

If you have any questions about the draft minerals strategy, email

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